Kathy Marlene Bailey, painter

A Kids post written by on March 14, 2013

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Kathy Marlen Bailey is the best painter of water with al the intricacies and reflections. She introduced me to Oil Glazing technique. Here it is the artist statement:

My intention as an artist is to transfix the viewer, to share my experience of sheer wonder, spirit and beauty. Moments occur throughout each day, but are extremely riveting when I am looking upon, across or through water. I become addicted to the dances of ever-morphing light and shapes within and upon it. It mesmerizes me and traps me into wonder – a profound feeling of God’s presence. It creates an electric connection to Him that makes me feel home and at ONE. I want to look and look and see and see more and more; I must catch it with my eyes; I must try to REMEMBER the wonderment of each sparkle, movement, colour and shape. The beauty is astounding and must be shared – others must see it, revel in it and feel the peace and electric connection that I feel to God when I experience it. God’s spirit must move through me and then beyond me, to you – my viewer. You must share in the gift. This Wonder, Spirit and Beauty must be felt by you too, because it is simply too amazing and cannot be contained by me.

Kathy Marlene Bailey, March 2013

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